Date: Date of last briefing:
Prepared by:
Program Assessment Summary
[Provide an overview of scheduled activities and accomplishments that have taken place since the last briefing. Use your Ready Rating Assessment Report to help you identify activities that will (1) ensure you have plans in place to respond and recover from disruptions and (2) build awareness and experience within your organization. Summarize any issues or areas of improvement along with suggested solutions, possible workarounds, and budget impacts. Be sure that each member of the senior management team is clear about obstacles that may be encountered and document any decisions that need to be made. Include recommendations/actions based on the Ready Rating Assessment and Next Steps Report.]
Activities Scorecard
Status:  Green = Completed  Yellow = Pending/Deferred  Red = Issue/Decision Required
Quarterly Activities Responsibility Status Issues/Decisions Required
[Action/Activity] [Department or Individual(s)] [Copy & paste the appropriate status symbol from above] [Description of issue or decision to be made]
Ready Rating Assessment Scores
[Insert Ready Rating Assessment scorecard report statistics, calling attention to any growth or decline in your readiness level.]

Planned Action Items Responsibility Was this a Ready Rating Next Step recommendation?
[Action/Activity] [Department or Individual(s)] [Yes/No]