▪ Deliver consistent messages across all media platforms.
▪ Express sympathy and empathize in a genuine manner.
▪ Keep the communications factual, accurate and concise.
▪ Do keep trust front and foremost in communications. Be honest and transparent. If you don’t know the answer, say so.
▪ Do designate a credible spokesperson who can speak with authority and ideally someone who has established a trust relationship with stakeholders.




▪ Don’t ‘wing it’ or ‘spin’ an answer, it will unravel and could have greater negative consequences.
▪ Don’t promise resolution as it may not be possible.
▪ Don’t point the finger, speculate on motive or cause, or accept any liability without legal counsel.
▪ Don’t lie or buffer the message.
▪ Don’t avoid the media or respond to questions outside of a formal setting.