These documents will guide you through the facilitation of a variety of severe weather response drills. It presents a disaster scenario, discussion topics, and steps for completing the documentation and conducting a debrief.

Quick Drill Hub documents include:

  • How to Conduct A Drill
  • Checklist for Evacuation Drill
  • Checklist for Sheltering-In-Place Drill
  • Quick Drill:  Floods
  • Quick Drill:  Earthquake
  • Quick Drill:  Hurricane
  • Quick Drill:  Tornado
  • Quick Drill:  Wildfire
  • Quick Drill:  Winter Storm
  • Quick Drull: Active Shooter

For a quick walkthrough or rapid scenario planning discussion (15 minute discussions over coffee or during a regularly scheduled meeting), focus on steps 1 through 3. To conduct a tabletop or functional exercise, complete all the tasks below.

Using the document entitled “How to Conduct a Drill” will help to ensure that your preliminary drill set-up is simple to complete.

Consider including the Evacuation and Sheltering-In-Place Drill Checklists in conjunction with the weather-specific Quick Drills to create a well-rounded exercise for your business or organization.