In the event of a threatening phone call, it is important to manage it properly.  This Threatening Phone Call Checklist should be used if you suspect you are receiving a threatening call.

If your organization has a central switchboard, this form should be kept in a prominent place and the individuals who handle incoming phone calls should review it periodically. Otherwise, it should be distributed widely to personnel. If a threat is received, call 911 immediately, followed by the Incident Command Team.

Be alert to any suspicious objects. Uncluttered work areas will greatly assist in identifying any strange objects. If a suspicious object is found, begin an evacuation immediately and contact the police.


General Instructions:

  • Remain calm.
  • Assume the situation to be real.
  • Be courteous.
  • Listen.
  • Do not interrupt the caller.
  • Notify your supervisor / security / safety officer through a pre-arranged signal while the caller is still on the line.
  • Collect the following information:
Your Name: Date: Time:
Record the exact words of the person placing the call:  


Questions to ask: What is the nature of the threat (bomb, anthrax, gun attack, etc.)?
Where will the event take place?


What kind of attack is planned?


What form will the attack take?


Is there a specific time or event that will precipitate the event?


Can you help me understand why you are upset
May I have your name and contact information?



Try to determine the following: (check as appropriate)

Caller’s Identity: Male     Female     Adult     Juvenile     Approximate Age: ________
Voice: Loud     Soft     High pitched     Deep     Intoxicated

Other: _________________________________________________________________

Accent:  Description: ___________________
Speech: Fast     Slow     Distinct     Distorted     Stutter     Slurred     Nasal
Language: Excellent     Good     Fair     Poor     Foul     Other: ­­________________
Manner: Calm     Angry     Rational     Irrational     Coherent     Incoherent

Deliberate     Emotional     Righteous     Laughing     Intoxicated

Background Noise: Office machines     Factory machines     Trains     Animals     Music

Voices     Airplanes     Street traffic     Other: __________________________

Additional Information:  


Receiving telephone number  
Others hearing the call: